The Peshawar Concert of Young Stunners Called Off Due to Poor Crowd Control

Throwing objects, poor crowd control, and management have now become a theme for Pakistani live music concerts. Recently, Young Stunners has called off their concert due to managerial and security issues.

The concert for the rap duo was scheduled in Peshawar on 28th March and the rapper went to the micro-blogging site early on Tuesday morning. He told that if Talha Yunus had started his performance, people might have gotten hurt or injured.

He then added, “This was the first time we came all the way to Peshawar only to play this show for our fans out here. I am disappointed things didn’t work out.” Anjum concluded with an apology and promised the Young Stunners will return to the city again. “With an apology, I’d just like to say we will be back soon and better equipped. Sorry, love and respect!”



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