TikTok Following Snapchat's Style

TikTok has started rolling out the Snapchat-style story feature to a large number of users. You'll see a banner when you start the app, if you are one of the users that are selected for the beta version, the banner will tempt you to make a story.

TikTok told TechCrunch that "Currently, we’re expanding a pilot test, which provides creators with additional formats to bring their creative ideas to life for the TikTok community,” this doesn't say anything about the number of users included in the beta testing phase or about the complete update.

The method for making a story is the same as making a regular video but the story will not be added to your profile and will show up only for 24 hours.

Also, the story feature of TikTok misses a major part that other social media such as Facebook and Instagram have. It lacks the scroll bar that allows the users to scroll down the list of the users you follow and tap through their stories. 

The only way you can see a person's story is if you are watching that person's video and you tap onto the person's profile picture and also if you are visiting that person's profile and tap on his profile picture.




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